
Ray Haerry, Sr. passed away in September of 2016. In April of 2017, the Haerry family had their father/grandfather’s ashes interred on the Arizona so he can once again be with the over 1,000 shipmates who lost their lives on December 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked plunging America into World War II.

The mission of the non-profit World War II Foundation is to produce educational films and create initiatives recognizing the bravery and enormous contributions made by the veterans and survivors of World War II so that future generations appreciate the determination and sacrifices that enabled perpetuation of our basic freedoms.

For this film, premiering on Saturday November 4 at Jane Pickens Theater & Events Center, Newport, RI, the Foundation follows the family of USS Arizona survivor Raymond Haerry as they return to Pearl Harbor to place their father’s ashes back aboard the great battleship.

The remains of more than 900 sailors killed that day aboard the Arizona remain inside. Of the 334 who survived, 41 have asked over the years to rejoin their fellow sailors upon their death.

“I believe this is the most impactful film of 19 we have done to date due to the message it delivers, which is that people still remember and care about what that generation contributed and suffered through to save the world.” Tim Gray, Chairman of of the WWII Foundation, says.

“It’s an unspoken bond these guys had with each other, these were Ray Haerry’s brothers. And the Arizona was their home.”.

The hour-long documentary, narrated by actor Matthew Broderick, will air nationally on American Public Television in the fall of 2017.