On D-Day, June 6 1944, a group of 22 men, led by Lt Richard D Winters, attacked a German 105 mm gun battery at Brécourt, Normandy.
This map shows the positions of the four guns, the German and US machine gun positions and a few more details about the assault, however, in his mémoires, late Maj Winters mapped gun #1 at the most northern machine gun position but then later he endorsed the four guns being in a straight line.
Four soldiers who participated the attack remain unidentified and the action of Cpt Speirs’ team is not mapped yet.
In the assault:
Lt Richard D Winters-Cpl Joe Toye-Pvt Popeye Wynn-Pvt Gerald Loraine-Lt Buck Compton-Sgt Bill Guarnere
Cpl Don Malarkey-Sgt Carwood Lipton-Sgt Mike Ranney-Pvt Joe Liebgott-Pvt Cleveland Petty-Pvt John Plesha
Pvt Walter Hendrix-Pvt John D Halls (Killed in Action)-Cpt Clarence Hester-Andrew Hill (Killed in Action)
Lt Ronald Speirs (D Company)-Pvt J ‘Rusty’ Houck (Killed in Action)